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Thursday Evening

Dear Folks:

I am going to try to get this off to you in time for the girls to mail it.  They are going to a barn-like place to witness a basket-ball game between the High School boys and the alumni.  I should like to go but I have another cold and am trying to keep it within bounds so do not care to risk going to those places.  I am missing a lot through - last night a church supper - a good one the girls say - and to-morrow night an automobile trip to Hudson and back, to a party - play that is - and dance.

I hope both of you are over your colds by this time and that you won't have any more this year.

I am having a terrible time with Mr. Millington - that is he is saying nasty things behind my back.  Monday I ran the morning picture machine - his hobby and an object of detestation to the rest of us, but I didn't run it until the fourth period in the morning and during the P. M. I had asked Mr. Bates if I needed to give it to the seniors the first period and he said, "No", but when Mr. Millington began tearing me to pieces, he conveniently forgot all about that.  I told Mr. Bates that if he didn't straighten out the matter of arranging the classes for movies