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Sunday Evening.

Dear Folks:

The last day of winter is very much like a day in midsummer.  Isn't it?

I sat up in bed this morning correcting papers about church time.  I had had my breakfast meantime.  I worked so long I was late to church and when I came back, I worked some more intermittently watching the performances at a Jewish house where a wedding was being celebrated, until at last I was so tired about three o'clock I lay down.  At 4-15 I started for a walk.  I made my long detour, and coming to a brook sat down on an overhanging rock until after six o'clock.  I got home about 6-40 and then got my supper - scrambled eggs, warmed sweet potato, rolls and cocoa and some prune pie which Mrs. Hodgess brought me.  I have just finished cleaning up the mess for another week or two, I hope.  I think I shall probably come to Stoughton this week end although it will hardly pay for I have rehearsals Mon., Wed., and Fri. evenings so couldn't come until Saturday morning and I should want to come back on the Sunday morning train.

The Misses Haslett, Putnam, O'Connell and I went to