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off by Saturday at the latest, and then get my cards off by Sunday night. I hope so. Many thanks for sending the box to the New Hampshire folks. The fern leaf you sent 2 wks. ago is still lying nice and green on my table.

I am ever so sorry about Fred White. He was such a fine man and you enjoyed him so much you will miss him greatly. Was it heart disease with him? It does seem as though a large number of your Stoughton friends had dropped off in just that way within the last four years.

I am glad that Mrs. Holmes and Abbie had good luck on their scarfs and on the little collar. I wish I has seen them. Did I tell you that I had been showing some of the girls at school how to tat and you should see them at it in all kinds of crevices and positions at any time of the day. One girl so far has succeeded in actually making some edging and I am trying to break her in to teaching some of the others and then I plan at least to have a large force of teachers so as to be able to teach all who want to learn.

About the New Jersey job: Daisy thought she might like it if I didn't want it so I told Miss L. yesterday that I thought I would write and inquire about the position if she