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going. Sunday we went for a walk, to dinner and for another walk. Then Daisy had to go. She has been transferred from her old school to one in Dorchester. Her old principal retired two or so years ago and her new one she didn't like the name of, so managed the transfer.

There are quite a number of milk weed pods about here. I want to make some pillows but don't know when to pick the pods. Shall I do so now or wait until they ripen more?

Last Wednesday P.M. four of us high school teachers took our lunch and went to Concord by electrics whence we walked to Walden Pond about a mile distant. We played cards and Eleanor and I went in bathing. We got home after dark. We planned to do something this week end, but Melba and Ethel seem to be backing out.

Mrs. Hodgers started weaning Myrtle a week ago yesterday. She has terrible tantrums night and day. We all suffer as a consequence. I hope she gets