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Merchant of Venice. We came home on the 11–30 train to So. Acton and walk from there over. I expect a tired crowd the next day.

[[strikethrough]] Tuesday [[/strikethrough]] Monday night we gave a farewell party to Mr. Hynes who leaves Friday of this week. The seniors had raised $18.00 which they invested in 9 small volumes of various authors. The three upper classes gave the party. He seemed much pleased. I think I wrote you that I was chairman of the Teachers' Club Halloween party and yesterday I got a letter from Caroline James Handschumacher (Jimmie) asking me to be chairman of the Oct. ΑΔΠ entertainment committee. I haven't yet looked it up but I think that it comes the day after convention – an all day affair in Boston. It seems a good deal to handle but she has been so good to me that I think I shall try it. Perhaps then I won't have to be on another this year.

The Italians are celebrating here to-day. $575.00 in fireworks alone, I understand. I hope that it clears