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that they may have good weather for their parade, etc.

Yesterday the superintendent and principal from Somerville came up to see Miss O'Connell.  It wouldn't surprise me if she too left us before long now.  I should be sorry to have her go for someone less good might take her place.  It seems that Mr. Bates was crowing over having a teacher from Boston.  They wished to know, of course, why a teacher would leave Boston for Maynard.  He told them that I didn't like Miss Leadbetter, whereupon one of them remarked that I was not the only one, he guessed.

It is about time for me to be thinking of a new position for another year, however.  To stay here longer would look as though I was unable to get anything else, yet I don't like the idea of getting into the whirl and turmoil again.  In Somerville High School, for instance, there are 70 classes in English alone.  It would give little