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I got a card from Berenice a day or two ago in which she says that Miss Hollis wrote her that Mrs. Hammer would be 93 Monday, to-morrow, and that she would like her to remember her mother. B. wrote thinking I might like to send a card, letter or flowers or some such thing. I think I may write a greeting. I don't think that Miss Hollis ever told her mother's age before. I think that it is ever so good of her to think of all of these little attentions for her.

A week ago last Friday was Convention Day in Boston and I ran in to Filene's Basement. I didn't have time to do much looking but one of the saleswomen told me, when I inquired for cotton dresses, that there were not many left. I am afraid that I shall not be able to get any for Doris now, but I may run across something.

I stayed at Jimmie's over the week end. Her sister-in-law, husband and some other member or members of the family went to Germany this past summer. Perhaps