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their hair down and ribbons on - that they did it every year.  They did so, and in the after-noon three of the boys, including the one Mr. B. wants me to report to his mother, came with flat collars or queer ties on.  It caused some confusion and Mr. B. claims caused Burton to miss all but one out of six examples.  The next day he kept him out of English for almost the entire period and, on going home at night, came in to tell me that it was my fault the boys did it.  You may be sure I was surprised and I fired back, "It was not."  He said that Burton said that I gave them the idea by telling them of some college stunt that had been pulled off.  Then I said "It has been done in my years, Mr. Bates."  He looked surprised, and I added "The girls told me so."  He said, "You mean the hair ribbons?" and finally went off