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Sunday Evening

Dear Folks:

Yesterday I went out gathering flowers but to-day I have stuck by the house. I felt like resting up.  Two evenings last week I was at the high school, not for my classes, but I felt it only fair to go and help since the others help me in my celebrations, as I got pretty tired, everything considered.

My room has been a regular bower of flowers, for I didn't want to miss any so have been off nights after school searching for them.  Last 

last week, but announcement of increase if any, is not made in any of them, - I understand.  That is to be sent out later.  The grade teachers seem to be terribly upset at a report that one of the high school teachers is to receive a hundred dollars increase.  They seem full of grieves to me.  I am waiting to see what develops before I [[?]] my refusal.  

I went to see just what they [[?]] though - I don't intend to stay anyway.  

Thank Doris for her letter.  I did hear what Ilga said, but I shouldn't watch [[?]] places.  Miss O'Connell finished Friday.  She goes to N.Y. Wed. and sails Thurs.

I may get home next week if I'm not too tired.  Did you find a pair of my black silk stockings on the dryer?  Has yarn arrived yet?

Love, Lena