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Friday morning.

Dear Folks:

I got in to the North Station, got my ticket, met some of the girls, and came thru in good time to Maynard.  I wish that the Sunday trains made as good connections.

When I got here I found my old room waiting for me.  Mrs. H. had asked Mr. Hodgess what they were going to do about a room for me and he replied that as I was in it more than they, that I had better have the one I had had.


class work, let alone individual conferences.  He is trying to work off some of the things he has heard (apparently for the first time) this summer, but he doesn't seem to have the sense to fit them to occasion.  Poor man!  I have lammed him for fair several times already.  To-night he came in for one of his long talks after the others had gone.  He wanted me to take the official title of "Dean of Girls" but I refused.  He talked long and diffusely and