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Theodore met me at the station with a taxi so we got to the house easily.

Coming through the hills I saw loads of mountain laurel.  I thought of you for it was so beautiful, just in its prime, that you would have enjoyed it.  In the after-noon we four went into a field near by and got some wild strawberries.  I thought of you and wished you might have some.

Berenice had planned to go to South Hanover and may yet.  She hadn't dared to make her appointment with the dentist until she found out whether or not I could come and now he can't begin on her right away but she will get off by Tuesday or Wednesday I guess.  I don't just know what she will do when my time is up.  B. thinks Helen Hewitt might have taken baby to care for but she didn't.  There is a trained nurse there getting $35 a week she says and all she has to do is rub father Hewitt about 20 minutes each day.  She would be glad to care for John Hollis but Helen has not volunteered.  We were up there for dinner to-day however.  We had chicken soup, roast beef and potatoes, asparagus beets and a kind of frosted custard.  John Hollis was very much pleased and inquired if his mother would make that kind of pudding.  He is getting to be more like a real boy.  He is good but not always anxious to do what he is told although he still never touches any thing to eat unless told he may.  Candy which he dearly loves may lie on the table and he will never touch it.  Yesterday his father was trimming the edges of the front walk