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managed to get enough to eat but berries this year are not at all plentiful so I should have missed it if I had to planned to pick them for a living this summer.

We stopped at a farm house and bought four eggs, a pint of milk and some bread and butter. Aunt Cora had given us some salt pork. We went into a pasture and cooked it in my little frying pan. It was good but the vegetables were lacking, and we did not eat two of the eggs so I put them into my pockets and ranged along and after sitting, stooping and all other ings including automobiling arrived with them intact so fortune favored me you see.

Aunt Cora has another house. An old man 85 years old has assigned all of his property to them for his care the rest of his life. Aunt Cora didn't want him but he begged so hard that she gave in. His property, though not much, looks big to him, the poor soul, but he seems quite happy. He lives in the house next hers. She did not want him in her house where she lives.

The mountain now! Miss C. is uneasy.
