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I wrote to Frances this A.M. too.

Dear Folks:

This is not a very promising day but I had not planned much for outside so may get along all right if only the janitor will put on some heat.  There is some but none to boast of.

Saturday after-noon I went down to the 1911 class reunion:  there were fourteen in all who showed up - thirteen girls and one man.  Four of us went from there down to the banquet together.  We had a real good time, but Dr. Bell

stay.  At the last 185 people sat down - a record for B.U. Epsilon.

Mary Taylor, Professor Taylor's daughter, addressed us in opening as "Fellow animals".  It quite took my breath as it seemed to that of the others.  I am still pondering what point she intended to make by her lack of courtesy.

I am enclosing my tatting shuttle and the ribbon.  I hope it is what you want.  I went down town yesterday and got a dress but I don't know whether or not I shall keep it.  My head boomed it up well afterward so I hope to desert the shopping district henceforth.

Love, Lena.