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and the extra dollar was still lying in among rubbish on the table I said to her, "You'll lose your money if you don't look out." "What is that for?" she said.  I explained that it was for gas etc. Then she began.  She said that I had promised to pay for the privilege of using the kitchenette and gas, etc. etc. & wanted to know if I didn't think it was worth 50¢ a week. I said all right but she still does not take the dollar and apparently intends to get me to pay since the first of December when she says I began to use it. Upstairs they cook for 3 for a whole week for 25¢ and we did for both of 


us last year for 75¢ or $1.00 a month and baked and bowed & all. Now I only use ever so little. I have given her extra before and she never objected to it so I don't think I shall pay for back weeks, - besides my room is a disgrace: she hasn't cleaned it for ever so long. Daisy says to say something to her. I told D. that if I did she would have a fit. D. says let her have it and come in to my room and shut the door - not to watch her, but I think I shall just give notice and leave and go back and forth from Stoughton for a while if I don't find something 

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed right page before left, in numerical order as written