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away all day not bothering her, at Thanksgiving and so many week ends when I don't burn any electricity at all or gas either.

I am glad Doris and both  of you are all right. I know I shall enjoy the 20th.

I went out to see Dr. Scott Sunday A.M. He cleaned my teeth and took the impression for my plate. He says the teeth above are elongating so need some below to keep them in place. I told him when he was cleaning my teeth that I didn't see why so necessary a thing should be so 


disagreeable, but I did not say I would come out next week, having Stoughton in mind but of course I can't say for sure.

Yesterday I went down town and got a pair of books $9.85 and a pair of stockings @ 85ยข. They were good ones though. At Shuman I saw a pair of boots marked from $18. to $15. that were the only ones that at all suited but I located these others at Hanons. I also bought a new hat the other day but I guess I had better not tell you how much I paid for that. I am glad I didn't have it on last night though.

The week of the 22nd is a