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Friday morning.

Dear Folks:

Your nice letters from all three came Monday on time as usual but I am afraid my scratch this morning will not be much in return. I have waited so as to be able to tell you whether or not I was coming out and now I can't say for Mrs. W. is sick with a bad cold - has been for about a week now. She is generally done up. She thinks her heart and breathing are too rapid. I took them both last night and found them about normal just now. I took her breathing again while she was asleep and found it quite so. I think she is worrying about Mr. W. She also has the housework on her mind and not feeling well on account of the cold and some constant troubles she has kind of has got discouraged thinking it may be more than it really is but I do not like to leave her if her cold persists - although I do not want her to know I am giving the trip up. Also Daisy's