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PS Monday morn 10 below zero & sunny our coldest morning house is warm Ma
Stoughton January 27th 1935

Dear Folks    
The cold weather hangs on, below 0 this morning. Every body is handicapped by so much snow. our roof where the wing comes out there on the ell got filled with so much snow that yesterday the snow thawed & water that could not run off soaked in under the shingles & run in down to my mop board in my room & so on down my sitting room over the end window. then I called up Kimitis he got the hose up the ladder after hitching it on to the boiler of the kitchen stove & untied it once full,then went home to dinner while it heated. again, about two he came up again & finished the hose meanwhile he dragged into the entry so when he came again the water in the hose was frozen, so that had to be thawed in the sink, before he could finish thawing the ice on the roof. he understood it so I felt he was the right man to call up to the job.We are waiting for the sitting room paper to dry to find out whether it spoilt the paper. Mrs. Osborne has been sitting here waiting for Earle to come after her. Bessie called up to tell her that the horses that they took out break out the private grounds where they live on the Ames'es estate had got stuck in the snow and Earl was busy digging them out & the grounds were so slippery in front of garage.being down hill, they could not get their car out so she will have