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more than its share of accidents, it may be the world is coming to an end, its been profisied long enough. I think everything that can happen thats bad, is going to now. This depression is felt by us all, its undermining peoples health, her son Bill the best boy in her family, good to them all. has worked for Belcher for twenty years. gets no more than two days work in a week, but has to drive over here every day, earns not enough to pay his car fare, there is nothing for any body. how can people live on nothing? what can be done; this administration is worse than any thing we have had yet. this President suits some of the monied crowd. he never did a days work in his life they say. he is worse than the last one. I have got the pattern cut out for your slip but dont dare cut the cloth for fear this one is not long enough, she says you want it longer, as they are wearing their dresses longer. so for fear of its being too short, I am waiting to hear from you before spoiling the cloth. how much longer than this pattern will it have to be? do you ever buy Holland crisps they are good for lunch buttered & put in the oven. she does not make good cake and never any cookies. she is no eater I often make spider cake for my supper. she never heard of it. I was brought up on a farm mother always made bisquits. never yeast bread, so I like a change. my tastes are old fashioned perhaps. we are having roast pork for our dinner + peas she is fond of that, it is her favorite. I had lame last week but we are no meat eaters as a rule.