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PS I think it is rain now much warmer I hope you are all well & happy dont worry so much take life easy. wish you were in Massachusetts. 
it is a foggy morning & not so cold I hope this letter goes. my gassy stomach is past am all right now. hungry appetite now. 

Stoughton January 20th 1935

Dear Doris,
The morning opened with cloudy & cold temperature 20° at eight O'clock. now it is snowing & bids fair to be a gloomy day. I am in hopes it dont turn to rain, as is prophesied, theres too much snow & it would be icy traveling.
Theres not much of interest to write about. We are having out winter this month, lots of snow, but so far not bad to get about, as it has come in small quantities. I am in hopes after this gets out of the air it will be warmer temperature. my appetite is picking up so I feel hungry. Miss O Brine gave me a piece of cake & two big pieces to bring home. the doctor says he means to look out for me occasionally. but I am not worth the care & want to pass on the way everything is now going. its not much encouragement for any body to live these days. we get a good deal of news over the radio how the President is on the wrong side of the poor & in with wall street. things are growing worse & more of it. I cant see how we are coming out of this depressed state of affiars. death is the only way. those that have a job are working double time, but there are many out of work who resort to crime. God deliver us from evil. 
I don't see but what its solitude for me the rest of the day. but its warmer all ready. the wind has turned to the East & its coming pretty fast. every path is snowed in all ready.