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They have just come after her foe in his heated car. the Lord only knows what will be the state of the going when she comes home to night. she may have to stay over but that would not matter. dont send that old bed quilt. the best way is get all there is good out of it & then burn it up. the same as I am going to with this other old one you sent home. it is no good I never want to see another, for I have done my share of patchwork & bed quilts if any one has. my house is full of them. my eye sight has failed me a lot, I do not read only the very latest in the papers. saving my eyes they are the most important now. I have done my share of the work that tires the eyes. my cold settled in them and made them worse. It has stopped snowing & may turn to rain. I have just swept off the snow from the front portico, she swept it before she went away. the children are coasting on the hill. Dorr''s sled is here I dont think it paid to get her a sled. she will do her stunts on rooler skates down there. your chumming with "Boobie" is being repeated in her, dont worry, she never had a chum before, they are nothing but kids, it will do her good. she may take to girls later. I wish she could learn to dance. she would be more graceful about her lower parts (feet& legs). Do you think she would take to piano lessons? the practicing would take her time. I have been stringing over that necklace you sent (Sid found) the wire the beads were strung on rusted & broke so now they are strung on silk. all there I have another one I will string over that is broken that Lena gave me Ma

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