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Stoughton Oct 17th 1934

Dear Doris

We got your first letter Wednesday noon. I think one letter must have gone astray, as we got no letter while you were going & this letter did not tell about your journey, or when you arrived so it made me think one letter was miscarried. 

The Pants nor the purse you never left at home, they may have come to light by this time there among youre baggage, I hope so. I am still coughing its in my head also. she is over hers. We are having our nice sunny Indian summer weather. yesterday I took a taxicab & went down to the bank with my check & my bank books & drew out some money and now I am good for another siege. To day my milk bill arrived so that was settled. Charley Holbrook came on a business call to ask about our property & what we owned. we had a good time talking about his grandfather old Uncle Asa I guess he stayed an hour & had a mighty good time he said as he went out. I will see you later when you come down to vote. I told him that he resembled his grandfather the most of them all. he was pleased. for we both loved