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Stoughton September 3rd 1934

Dear Doris, 

Labor day beginning cloudy & with heavy fog. we have washed but we know not whether we will dry out clothes. the fog burned off yesterday. I was here alone & had changed my dress as I expected Miss O Brine might show up, as she wanted to see me on something she wanted to ask me about. who should come but Mrs Gilzer to take me to ride up to Sharon with another woman she was also nice & helped show Mrs Gilzer the way. 

Friday afternoon Pat Mahoneys widow she that was Stella Bird, called on me with her nurse, to see me about the hospital & my experience there. the doctor sent her, she has had a nervous collapse since he died, just befor Arthur passed away & has remained right there alone ever since Dr Golding she has had & he told her not to go to the hospital "they cant do anything for you". old "jealousy". Dr. Ewing told her if she did'nt snap out of it soon she would bring up in the insane asylum. pretty thing to tell [[strikethrough]] tell [[/strikethrough]] a 
person in her condition, can hardly talk to be understood