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Stoughton August 29th 1934

Dear Doris

After a nice cold rain its trying to clear off & be pleasant. we sit with sweaters on & a good coal fire in the kitchen range Mrs O is making a corn chowder my favorite dish with fried pork & onions fried in the fat gosh isnt it good the pears are going fast to bad you could not have a taste. I told the Drakes to chop down that dead pear tree, as it was no ornament. the old place looks neater than ours over here. I wish all the old wild cherry trees were cut down, the place is fast growing up to woods. if I was as well as I used to be I would get busy my fingers itch now to cut them down. in three years things get beyond one in a place like ours. Winnie wants the trees next to her house cut down no one can blame her really its a forest surely, you would be astonished but I cannot help it. I guess Pa would tell them the trees were there when their house was built. thats what their row was over, Flossie has gone to the hospital today & her mother feels sober she is in lots of pain most of the time, a great pity she cant go, as she is lots of expense & can never be any better a very nice girl.