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I should think you had the luck in getting into first chiggers then bed bugs. you better stay out of such horrid places in the future, & dont for heavens sake get too much interested in old folks who are nothing to you. there are plenty of them in the world down & out & will be more before the winter is out.

Tomatoes are getting about ripe enough to be good they taste the best to me of anything. I eat them raw for supper. she cooked them for dinner. we had tuner fish it tasted good also. my appetite is good when I can have tomatoes they are twelve lbs for .25 not so bad.

I have tried twice to call up Maude to find out how Ralph is but have not been able to raise any of them. I dont know what to make of it, they must be away.

This weather seems like fall its so cool, the katydids & crickets are tuning up nights also, the mosquitoes are still with us & they are also musical. I hope little Doris is not for petting snakes Oh! horrible, I should draw the line there if she belonged to me sure:

Mrs Osbourne has just returned from a ride with her people, they asked me to go too, but I thought they better go with out me as they would have a far better time with her. they had the youngest daughter & her baby & Joe the husband with Flossie the hunch back she is awful nice & agreeable they brought us a dinner of chicken charma & noodles see you dont know what it is.
