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help in the family - especially at this time when they are both of them so used up. Maude fell over Henrys shoes in the bath room & she is still lame. most broke her toes. & it happened in the wrong time. she had Hattie Ripley & Evelyn helping her. I dont think she will do much more hard work she is too fat. that Margret has been in the hospital this summer, so she has to do without her. she used to do her hard work washing & cleaning. I slept well last night in spite of the mosquitoes. they are bothersome sometimes. but they are fewer. she sprays the house with Flit she brought from her home. its good stuf. you should try some. it exterminates all moths. 
I'm going to call up that John Overton to do some chores around the premises. carting away ashes & splitting up some boards & trash around the wood pile, theres no grass to mow & he said he would do chores after work in the shop he works at Belchers when there is work but they do not run very steady. I will put this out for the mail man & trust he comes today