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Stoughton Aug 4th 1934
Dear Doris,
We are having a muggy day, after a powerfull rain last night, this was the first good rain we have had all summer. it lasted a long time, the wind being south, we may get a thunder shower to night, to clear off its a regular dogday
Mrs Gilger took me to ride, she was going to the swimming pool with the boys in her neighborhood with her boy. then she got some raspberries at a mans place where he raise all kinds of fruit, a large farm. she wanted to let me have some but after refusing them, she said she was going up again tonight & they would have more & she would shurely get me some, she may take me up with her again she is very generous. I gave her a pot full of fairy lillies, they were both pleased with them. her husband came back with us to get them. I had to stop at her house to see their garden of vegetables they can water it with their hose, she gave me some tomatoes to bring home, while I was gone to ride Mrs Bayehard came to see if I would let her folks cut down some