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then her son Bill drove up from Belehers shop Monday after work & he brought his mother a bag of honey dew melon & two big barttel pears & two oranges. so we are fareing pretty good. I guess berries are pretty well dried up. I was counting on putting up some this year, but guess there are none coming around. pears will be ripeing next we are in hopes this month will be better weather theres been more deaths from heat than I ever knew befor in all my life this year, so I guess our temperature has been pretty tough with humidity as well. [[Wyrtie?]] asked me if Sidney had sold his house she saw men over there who appeared to be looking the place over. I told her not that I knew of, as I had not heard you say. I guess theres no such good news. I think your Sunday trips would tire you. a pity you cant take a good vacation as this hot summer must take your strength & you have always come up home so to avoid the greater part of it. its too bad you are not able to do so this summer. The shower that went around us yesterday caused much damage out Boston way the wind that went with it & a deluge flooded everything. we feel the effects of it to day in the cool wind. I wish we could had a part of the rain. Ma 
Mrs. Gilger came over & asked me to go to ride with her she was going to carry five boys up to [[Fulds?]] swimming pool & get her rasberries while they were swimming, a fine time then & gave her the faisy lillies,