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Capital Transit Company
Thirty-Sixth and M Streets
Washington 7. D.C.
June 9, 1944

Mr. Tomlinson D. Todd
1340 Girard Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Todd:

This refers to your recent telephone request in regard to our practice in the matter of carrying passengers of different races.

It has been the practice of this company and, so far as I know, was the practice of its predecessor companies to render service to those of all races without discrimination. There has never been, so far as I know, any discrimination in the matter of seating arrangement in our vehicles. 

We carry more than one million passengers each business day, and we value highly the patronage of all those who use our services.

This company was formed in 1933 as a result of the merger of two street railway companies whose predecessors date back to sometime in the 1860s, I believe.

Yours very truly, 
E.D. Merrill