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Hope you are not roasting but fear you are. your change of climate may be a benefit. think you will appreciate it when it comes. Hope you get the 30 days leave worked hard enough for it. Ma finished the suites today hope they get there before the 5th + all right. 
Hot, Hotter, Hottest  Stoughton June 30th 1935

Dear Doris. 
I am sending along a bundle hoping it may get there around the 5th of July. [[?]] Barry is sending a little present to the kid. her birthday comes on the fourth. she has been invited down to her cousins Mamie Kates to stay the after noon with her, she Mamie is not very well: her present from me was a handkerchief trimmed with tattin. she was very much pleased, one I happened to have in the house. I never used (all linnen). this is a nice day but hot in the sun around the fourth it is out to be pretty warm. I dread the noisy week and holiday. it has to be just the same. the Ballentines are away to a wedding over the week end to Hyannis. He asked me to keep watch of their premesis meanwhile. the McCarveys are gone to St Louis for a month Belchers shop sent them on business. George is sent at least + she goes on her vacation to their expenses paid by the firm. some people are born lucky he told me he had got steady work there, ever since he lived here beside us + his wife the same. so you see he ought to be worth money sometime. I like him. she is very nice, they are selfish but goodhearted + mind their