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I judged it might be near where Mrs. Andrews old place is.  her husband being interested in Lenas whereabouts and all. I think Bernice made her stay chiefly in town. but came out to see Lena. she + Lena are interested in buying a house for she told her to offer this man a price much lower than the one he offered her at first, she never will be satisfied untill she does. so let her do so. she has furniture enough to fill one. all over creation + if there was a man to go with the sale, Mrs. Barry thinks her wants might be complete. I never in my life saw her make so much talk as she did Sunday night to Bill Skillings. both haters of the opposite sex. we have laughed about it ever since. I have never heard from Alice since she was here. when she does marry I presume she may send us a notice. he will get a very lazy person for a wife. they are the ones who are provided for in this world. but if he is a satisfied I am I dont think it looks right for her to go there + live with him as she does. it might be a subject for people to talk just the same.
I was always a worker + never happy unless I was busy but now I have had to slow up. I was too ambitious. take warning before its too late. look at Grandma the years she was used up. it was hell on earth for her + its the same with me. I hope it wont be for long. there is no fun let me tell you. Rings mother has died funeral was yesterday Gertrude said they never knew it until they read it in the paper she was 95 more than twenty priests went to the funeral in church. I suppose they turned out Charles Ring being one of their order. well I am going to have supper now
