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We had our thunder showers late last night + today it is a cold NW storm we sleep in the morning.  Ma

Stoughton June 18th 1935

Dear Doris

We are having hot mugg weather with southern breezes.  I am afraid some showers are brewing latir in the day.  yesterday I was alone a while in the afternoon she came home about half past seven in a blue truck. with an old friend with a lot of stuff another old neighbor had given her string beans new peas, a bunch of asparagus a half dozen tomatoes + oranges, they carry out vegetables + these left overs they use or give away. perfectly good stuff.  they are the ones where her things are stored. they come over here to see her + I told them she had gone over to see them, so they rode home to catch her.  Lena was here when they arrived. she never seemed as natural in her life. she took the cheerfulness from Mrs. B + it did her good. then this man who brings her home is Scotch English a woman hater. he worships her + is ready always to bring her if it [[underline]] is [[\underline]] late.  she is a great friend of his mothers. he is one of twins + his passion for a woman is not there so his nurse says. but Lena + he talk together at the rate of a mile a minute. I wish you could have heard them. Mrs. B + I have laughed today over it.