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but when they went home they both started about the same time 10 o clock. she told him "you have the truck carry her home" "she found the way here + guess she can find her way home" I tell her all I have to do is to send her off + you come home loaded down with stuff to eat. she brought home a big box of things from her home. she said might as well use them as to throw them away. Mrs. Gebheart also came to take her to ride.  while she was gone with Careta Marden. they are going to sing Wednesday night. she will sing a sing a solo + Gebheart plays. the Old Folks sing + Frank Toomey is going down to hear them.  he has always sung with them but he lost his voice. now Addie tells us Eugene is sick. Mary has her beau + will probable marry him sometime. so Mrs. Ballentine told us. they were over here this morning. they brought over for us to see a picture Addie painted to give as a present to a friend. who they knew he got married. they said they often heard us laughing.  they think she is wonderful + laugh with us.  I saw them over to Rings talking + so hope they have made up.  it's silly to be out with ones neighbors. Mrs Gebheart called her up + told her she thought I was wonderful. but she likes her + so says these foolish things to please her. It is a hazy day.  we feel the heat after so much cool weather. are you having such down there?  I am wanting someone to mow the lawn so called up Jack to send Sofrer up Smith has not come to mow for some time a fort night or more it is getting long + in need of some attention now. will be hard to mow if left any longer I fear.  Ma