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he don't lay up anything against  me + why should he? I told him Mrs. Mouis kept me informed about him + Talbot said he was one good man, a true christian. & I said every one knows it. he also said we were related. I know that my Grandfather taught yours his trade. Jabez told me so himself. but grandpa Talbot was a very different man from his grandpa. not so sharp. a friend to the poor always + loved by every one who knew him. mother was like him. I certainly think Sidney should have a vacation where he can rest if he knows how. other wise he won't live out his life here. its the ambitious who give out early. Ralph is one to take his comfort as he goes along. But Sid is too ambitious the reverse. The Ballentines are over the hedge from the Rings sitting out in their reclining chairs with a bright scarlet umbrella over them. Mrs. B + I are laughing our heads off & making fun of their codfish aristocracy. such  is life with people who never had anything. always that kind who think they are it. well its glorious air Mrs Barry is writing letters not going to church. Mr. Marshal is going home to England starts this week she is sending him a pretty farewell card. he is a worker and needs a vacation and is going to take it this year over home Poor man his family to stay here meanwhile.