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so is getting it stored by these folks (her friends) to some (insert) paying storage her china alone is very valuable. most of her stuff came from abroad. her sheets + table linnen are heavily embroidered by nuns in France + Italy. every piece of furniture is brought over to unload. I never saw such work. these people want me to come over to see it since they have it in their house. but they are talkers + they are tiresome to me. she sent me some frosted cup cakes one day. poor people used to have a small store but lose out like Pa when the chain stores came in. Margery Drake, Gertudes Elines [?] daughter, had her shower before she was married over in her house, lots of Stoughton folks have seen her furnishings. to bad she lost the money + is obliged to work. but living in luxury is not the best for people. she says she learns something by having to work + is glad people don't throw her down. every once in a while some of her old friends unite to her + offer her a home (rich people) but she feels too independent. she says the Lord is helping her to live she knows it + is thankful. awful good company always cheerful  I feel the same in her influence. I felt gloomy in this Osborness company + took it from her. she hated Stoughton. that's what I felt. it never was my disposition to feel gloomy. I never see Lena she keeps very quiet, if in this vocinity. she may come here but dont care whether she does or not, she makes me awful nervous, says our grave has not been served down. it hadn't but we covered it with our flowers. was so glad Talbot welcomed me so genially[?] memorial day