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Storighton June 18th, 1938

Dear Folks, 
Another lovely day with predictions of showers this afternoon, everything is coming on since the rain in good shape. Yesterday it was warm and it seems more reasonable than what we have had. I caught a mouse down cellar in [?] mitbe[?] bottle half full, he drowned, so then I set my trap then caught another one, last night. they will get in in shite of if oee[?]when there is no cat. I feel they are gone, as there is nothing for them to get at to eat. I leave no swill around to call them. She went over to Holbrook on the bus after dinner. Addie charged her a dollar, the day she took her over, it was an awful [?] we thought. She has got about through there haefeing[?] [?] her things + has worked fretty has [?]. they are coming in by the frist of feely. they said she might have the use of one room to haebe her things in that she did not care to sell. she hities hoor Laurence he don't know where he is going. she gives him money + enough furniture to furnish a room. but he is not maturalized + not many would give him jobs. she has even been to the town house to see if they cant find him something to do. they for her sake are going