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Mrs Barry has gone to a whist party up to Lareta Mardens. Mrs Gebheart came in her ear [[car?]] after her at two , she will have her tea there or lunch. she says they are good to invite her. she is the life of the crowd. I had Mamie Kate here calling. she seems very pleasant + told her cousin I was very lonely. she is 75 years old + does not do a blessid stroke of work. Eldon Holmes is her husband in name only. he is worth money + shows her every attention she is a selfish woman her cousin thinks. her first husband Harry Shaw she loved. The sun has shone out once + now is gone into a cloud. I dont know but it will be a thunder shower, the radio said showers tonight. I am going to have a spider cake + baked beans for  my supper my tea I have jsut started + geletine custard. she will soon be at home now. Amys husband died Mamie Kate told me but no particulars have I heard as yet. Winnie Rose told her  she came over here from her house. It will come hard for her to go to work now, but it ay be the best thing to take up her mind. I don't hear from Lena she may stay in town + find something to do, hope so. she would be better to work I only wish it were so I could. there is no fun in doing nothing I was never used to it. glad the dresses suited. I was afraid they were a little long. The cap I used up the yarn + then the color made it larger. guess it was about bit enough it streaches + makes it about right. glad the bundle arrived early + safe. now the sun is out + cleared off beautifully. hope this reaches you by Monady. 