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Stoughton May 28th 1935
Dear Folks
We are just beginning to have hot weather this week today the radio and papers say rain tonight showers. I had Sophee to put on my screens to the porch now I am going to call him up to take off my storm windows. he says Jack Wayland is much better goes down town sleeps fine & appetite good. he dresses him + subs him. + sits up with him to sleep in his chair nights he hates goin to bed afraid to be alone, so sits + sleeps till eleven or twelve listening to the radio, and Sophee in the room patiently waiting to be let off + go home to his bed.
Well I have got most of my plants sit out also the ones you sent up tey have to be watered now a good rain will do them good so hope it comes. this South wind may bring one hope those seeds will come up. Lena took home the seeds she left Mrs Legy called up yesterday & said Lena had got home from Dr Otts & that Professor Andrews got in touch with her there where she was staying