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with Otts wife while he was away. he met with an accident and had to go to the hospital! she was going to come up here Sunday so Mrs. Legg said but I was here all the time + did not see her. Mystic came she staid [[stayed]] an hour or more I being here alone as she went over to pack up her house she is going again tomorrow all day. a man is coming over to get some of her things. she says things are working very good and favorable. she thinks the Lord is on her side and guess he is. she is going to have a room to store her trunkes in for nothing. the people that are buying the house are very nice to her. they have ten children and her brother and his two children live with them so the house must be very large. she is going to bring once a screen [[?]] to put in the window where she sleeps as it will get into the window better than mine. the pictures I sent last Saturday got there safe I hope. I am writing this letter before the mail man comes. he is very cordial to me now. Mystic told him not to look so darned ugly and guess it did him good. she said it in fun, he took it to heart. she was in his class at school. Addie came over last night she says the Poings aet [[?]] very funny towards them lately but she is going to let them guilt as they have nothing they have done they know of. Mrs Griffin and Lombest called Saturday Mrs. Griffin said Edna was working for the Social Welfare.  Ma

Transcription Notes:
All of the "and"s should be replaced with + in order to be transcribed as closely to the original letter as possible.