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Stoughton May 25th 1935

Dear Folks

A heavy frost came upon our landscape last night doing lots of damage to garden of early crops & vegetation in general we are having cold nights throughout the month so I am not anxious to put out any plants while the thermometer runs so low. Sour Brout was talking with me today. he said it was the coldest to day. had been through this month since he ever could remember. I am sending back the picture they are very clear & good. but failed to see where you came in. Mrs [?] house sold for the morgage. she does not realize anything on it. she is only anxious to store some of her most valuable things as she cannot get near what they are worth by selling them. lots of Stoughton folks have been over there. Margery Drake had her show us over there before she was married. Mamie Kate her cousin is sick & she will be lucky if she ever gets any better. she says her heart is bad & we think she has a cancer by her color. just like Aunt Sue's Eldon Holmes her husband is very much worried she is in her seventies. Next week she is going over home to pack up her stuff to be moved out & has written for the one who is to buy it & given him her address, so he can ride over here to see her next