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get along with. Mrs Osborne always said so, but also said you & Lena were too much for bossing. she did not like either of you. for just such a reason. she went on and did as she was a mind to. the year & a half she lived here & said everything was all right & she could do as she was a mind to otherwise she would not have stayed, but she never liked Stoughton & left for a better salary & to be nearer her children she told me. my reputation in my hometown since Mrs Barry came to live with me I find is very good. she tells me they all say the same about me & she thinks I am lovely. she says she never wants to leave me & wont till I kick her out. as it seems so like home. she is a true & honest woman whom I love all ready & needs a home. we mean a great deal to each other & since her home is to be sold. she is intirely out in the world or will be. she likes Stoughton & has many friends here tomorrow she is going to a card party at Mrs Gebhearts who called her up on the phone to invite her & said to her that she guessed she was in a good home for Mrs. Gilzer always said that I was the loveliest neighbor she ever had & was sorry to have to move away from me. I never thought people cared for me, but it is a much better feeling to think they do & I am willing to think so even if they don't. Eldon Holmes wife is bad again. she called her up this noon. she took care of her before. she says that her place is with me now she may go there to see her, but not to stay. this is her home from now on. we are congenial & the good Lord brought us together to help each other. so there you are. Ma