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Glad the time & speechmaking passed off all right & presume you are well they dressed pretty smart? how did your dress compare did your hair stand out? any the way they had them?hope you are all well & happy Ma

Stoughton May 19th 1935
Dear Folks.
We are still having the cool weather but clear & sunny. I wish we could have some rain then I mean to sit out my plants a little at a time. the crysanthemums are growing twice the size they were when they first came.

Mrs Barry has found a man who wants to buy her home and her to get out her furniture before the first of July then he expects to begin to make repairs & move in as soon as possible for the summer. a large house of fourteen rooms out of repair. he has a big family & her rooms are large. she has elegant furniture come from all parts of foreign countries & people in Holbrook are crazy about it (her friends) but she will have to sell it for a song as she has the rest of her stuff & store some her china alone is something elegant. she has had a chance to store that with a very dear friend over there together with a lot of nice pieces. she says they want her to sell them. she wants to keep her bed room set so if she ever has a home she will have it & find a room for her cat & te Pole who takes care of it & was a help in caring for Mr Barry