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she never knew anything about it 'till noon yesterday when her friend Mrs. Smith called her upon on the phone + then her cousin took her over. I knew she was short of money, so I advanced her $15. ahead. as the Bruce boy had just been over to pay
me the rent + five dollars on the old bill. she was very pleased + had to tell her cousin she thought it was splendid in me. I only did it a little ahead of time, now I only have to give her the other ten the 7th of next month. she thinks this place is very much like home + tells her friends that I am lonely + we are very
congenial. she loves every part of the home. her little room + is sorry to leave me so much alone while she packs up
her things over there. so she can clear out her house ready for the man to have the house in July. he says he will begin on the outside to repair. so she can have more time to get her furniture out. she will get back before dark I am going to get supper now for myself she will get something when she arrives later. I never feel blue now, more like my old self. she is very jolly turns things into jokes. acts out the things that strike her comical streak. she did not want to go church so stayed at home. Mr Marshal drags his English celebration into the church she said he droped his pulpit last Sunday. sames they are doing 
over there + she dont like it. she likes [[underline]] him [[\underline]] but not ideas in dragging England over here this is America not England. well they are all alike. great + little you.
