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Stoughton May 17 1935

Dear Folks,
We are having cool North West winds all this week but today it is cloudy weather and looks like rain the paper says showers, everything is coming ahead the lilacs are showing white, even they are coming ahead fast since the last rain and may be gone before memorial day. there are lots of hair bells in our backyard. I am afraid some young one will find them and pick them before memorial, so will keep watch and try to save them. I was alone last evening until afternoon, but went to bed and knew no difference. she tried to get out of going but couldn't make them let her they said she was the whole inducement and they clapped her and so she had to go on the floor to sing and dance the third time. they said she was wonderful. the last time she says she made them bring her home. she does not enjoy coming home and we have fun laughing over the way she acts out things, taking them off some forget their lives. [[Perey]]did and the night of the show he got his song pitched too low, but got up in place on the [[secon]] verse. she is a good actor and laughs till she cries over the botches they make. it keeps me in good cheer