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Stoughton April 1935

Dear Folks

It is a cool day the wind North West. the sun is out in full force. it seems as though the rain came in some place near us in the night + we have the benefit of a clearing off after it. I am here alone. the church people come after her to attend the minstrel show she was to have been in but begged off because it meant every night to the rehearsal + she hated to be out in the evenings. the afternoons once in a while she says are all right. I tell her I dont mind her going any time she sees fit. I am one that can amuse myself day times + dont want her to feel she has to stay here. but go where she sees fit. + make herself feel as if she were in her own home always. she says she does. she says we help each other. + further more that she will never leave me in the lurch. + that she is perfectly content. she loves her bed + her little room. she says her man the Pole she gives him the benefit of her house his part of it + pays his electric lights to see to everything so no harm is done to her house in her absence. + if I pay his fare over here + back he will set out my plants for nothing he understands such things well. he helped her