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to take care of her husband + is a good man. she can trust him thoroughly (a diamond in the rough) like our vegetable man. Whom she knows. he came while I was over in Brockton + praised me to her. I can get my glasses tomorrow. he is sending them, I paid him the last thing. then it will be heaven to see to read + work. I have sent for Lena to come + show Mrs. Barry how to put the paper into the typewriter. so she can use it. yesterday she was at Dr Otts to the funeral of his wives brother. I hated to send for her to come up, as I dont know how she feels towards me. I did it for Mrs Barrys sake who loves me better than anyone else in the world. I believe + seems so kind in every way. I would do most anything for her + she the same for me. I have got my blankets out on the line blowing + am putting them away for the summer afterwards. its a good day to do so cool + sunny. I see very few moth millers in the house this spring so far + mean to fight them + get rid of them if possible. When she came home she got my supper + went back again to rehearsal. she was teased into coming again against her will, to take part in the show as the one who was to take her part was sick. she is coming home early after she rehearses her part. she will get out of it if possible she hates to be out after dark. they are crazy to get her, as most of the tickets have been sold because she is to sing. so the ministers wife told her Ma