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Stoughton April 26th 1935
Dear Doris
We are having sunny days since the thunder shower of Wednesday, but cool like April. it seems good to go out in this nice pure air. I was out yesterday toward sunset in the back yard it was so pleasant. I got the plants you sent yesterday they came in fine shape they were very healthy looking. I set them in flower pots, to start them before setting them in the ground then put them to the little window in Sids little den where they will get the sun. while I was out there George McGarvey came across on his way over to Petes he seemed so pleasant + [[and]] Pete waived his hand. he was plowing up the land next to us for a garden. he has got fruit trees set out there + [[and]] is going to have more garden than ever this year. he is a worker. George says he has had work there in Belchers all the time. in fact ever since he has lived in his house here, I told him he was lucky. they devide [[divide]] the work up because they hate to turn anyone down that has been there so long. he is a head one I guess. Alice is still here but is going to East Boston the 1st of May as she agreed after visiting Mattis first. as you said in the first