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Stoughton  April 24th 1935

Dear Folks

  I received your letter this noon, & was sorry to hear of your colds.  I dont take colds unless some one gives me one.  hav not had one since you were here in the fall & we all had it.  My eyes have been bad ever since.  but tomorrow the doctor is going to take me over to Brockton & have me fitted to glasses.  he is a man he is well acqainted with & wont cost one all creation to have him do the job. so I am waiting with patience to have it over with for its a nuisance to be so bothered about seeing.  Alice can stay as you said at first, untill the first of May, sure & then she planned to go to Matties & then back to East Boston.  if Ilga found a good woman to come here, you would not have to be here, but she could interview me.  I can see if she were the one to depend on as well as you.  I dread having another stranger at my age, but find that I cant be here alone especially nights its too lonesome.  I hope Lena takes it into her head to come & either takes away her things or packs them away out of the north chamber for they make me sick to see so much in there.  in fact they are every where.  it is a shame to be so cluttered up when I am so nervous & we had everything in such order all over the house.  now I havent any room but what some of her trumpery