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PS Last night after we went up to bed the doorbell rung + Alice went down in her night dress Mr. Dyer from the Congregational church brought me after the evening meeting a hansome Easter lilly in a pot inside we found a letter from "Grace in memory of her mother so I felt that some body thought kindly of me if I was a book number and abnormal
Stoughton April 21st 1935  

Dear Folks. 

We are having more spring like weather since our line storm the water seems to be soaking out of the cellar I never remember having had so much before. I felt worried seems as if everything happens that can since the year came in, it must be a good thing to be born optomistic like Alice + Charles. They were comfortable but it takes all kinds in this world. I am going to have a shin soup I made it yesterday + baked beans + made a brown bread also the first time since Pa was taken sick. Alice never eats puddings or pies I get doughnuts once a week of Washbourns baker 1/2 a dozen large + nicest once I ever eat always just so good I got a letter from Lena Friday. she is much better happy to say. if I did not exist I felt it would be very much better for us all. But we cannot go when we want to. we must linger along + bother our children, after we get past our usefulness. I have finished that last play dress for Doris. it was hard to do you would not think it, to look at the picture but I was nerved up + all of a tremble every time I would think anything