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about it but I am glad it is done. it is ready if you need it. will send it anytime. two such shocks gave been hard on my mireb[[?]]. to live though. Alice is calm we went over my sitting room + the front room with my vacuumcleaner I meant to keep out the moths if I don't do anything else. she was fighting them all the time she did my work. they are pretty well extinguished. Kelley said that they breed in the carpet + get into our piano. I have just had my nap wasted [[?]] after dinner + my clothes I had washed a whole line frill + washed my back room floors they were covered with ashes. I sift the ashes the sieve [[?]] I have mended it was most played out but it will go better since it were mende [[?]] of guests. I will send Linous [[?]] better along I am glad she found relief from that terrible pain her thing are in every room. I think she needs a house. I cant have my house so cluttered with so much stuff it makes me crazy. we have just got home from a long auto ride. Dr. Bridest his secretary [[?]]is OBrine came up to see me they were going home to dinner then they came up afterwards + took us to Nanlaskel [[?]] + treated us to cones from Howard Dikemans + then home again he is coming Tuesday to take me over to Brockton to an occultist he knows to fit me glasses. I have been waiting to get him to get them for me. as he knowns there is a place where they don't ask all creation [[?]] where he goes + they are all right he tells me. he is a friend in need suse [[?]] I got your check + thanks for the same [[?]]. the Lord is on my side suse [[?]]