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Lena is going down to put these letters in the cover letter box for to take the air for a change
 Stoughton March 31 1935

Dear Folks,
The month is going out in a very mild way. I got up this morning expecting to find a stormy day to get through and instead it is mild and sunny. what it may be tonight is to be seen. we are waiting to hear what the radio will predict, she has just turned it on. fair today and rain tonight colder tomorrow. the grass is growing green in our yard. there on the side of the garden where I planted a few bulbs that last year only showed up three or four [[?]]this year there are a dozen in bloom white [[?]] [[?]] stripes. our front yard is gay. lots of snow [[?]] and [[?]] [[?]] in full bloom. the rain sent things ahead in a hurry the lilaes are just started to show where the buds are coming green. also the forcithias. I raked off the day grass from the bulbs back of the house they were also coming ahead very fast. another two week they will show their buds. Lena has been pretty well used up her bone is bothering her. she is lamer than I am. but it is so she went to the movies yesterday afternoon. she is do [[?]] it up now with the vibrator. she thinks